vineri, 11 mai 2012


  • O vrabiuta,evantai cafeniu,prins de incheietura mainilor,cu gandurile risipite peste stanci,s-a ratacit,ca un zmeu de hartie,purtand pe umerii goi,povesti fara sfarsit.Magia rasfranta a luminii ii sagetase zborul,si-acum,zbatandu-se-ntre gratiile ferestrei,ciugulea faramituri de clipe ravasite,ca sa-si invinga frica.Clipe trecute prin inima cad pe podea,ca niste crengi rupte de vant.Se zbat la Portile Tacerii,risipite,ca niste intrebari ramase fara raspuns.Sa prinzi ghemul clipelor,undele de aer tesute de heruvimi deasupra stancilor,trecand,ca printr-un tunel al Timpului spre alte ceruri,cu tainice parfumuri.Frantura de vis in zbor sagetat,risipise clipe peste stanci,ciugulind bobite de vis,ascunse in stropi argintii de roua,clipe efemere inghesuite in inima.Ciugulea din aer fire de vis,inaltate spre Cer,ca zmei de hartie,stelute aurii atarnate de nori.La asfintit trase cu ciocul un fir de lumina,ca o panglica,sa-i fie aproape,atingand inaltimile.Cu palmele incrucisate,clipe efemere se lipesc de geam acum,ca niste licurici aparuti pe neasteptate din tenebrele Pamantului.Intorc inca o fila din carte,ascultand cum stropii de ploaie se lovesc de geam,aripile vrabiutei,bataile speriate ale inimii,timpul pierdut.
  • A sparrow,fan tan,grabbed wrists,thoughts scattered over the rocks,was lost,like a paper kite,wearing bare shoulders,endless stories.Reflected magic,light,her arrows fly,and now,struggling between the bars of window pecking broken pieces of torn moments,to conquer fear.Moments passed through the heart,fall to the floor,like branches broken by wind.Struggle,the Gates of Silence,wasted,as some questions unanswered.To catch the skein moments,air waves,woven by cherubs above the rocks,passing as if through a tunnel of time,for other skies,with mysterious perfume.Glimpse of dream of flying arrows,scattered moments over rocks,picking berries dream,hidden in silvery drops of dew,ephemeral moments tucked into the heart.Pecking at the air-wire dream skyward as paper kites,golden stars hung by clouds.As the sun set,drawn with the beak,a thread of light,like a ribbon,to be near her,reaching heights together.With palms crossed ephemeral moments stick to glass now,like fireflies,emerged suddenly from the darkness of Earth.I turn another page in the book,listening as the rain hit the glass,the little brown sparrow wings,beating scared heart,lost time.

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